
Krupa na Vrbasu

We will highlight the TOP 3 most wanted trips that marked the season. The City of Banja Luka has a lot to offer vsitors, which has been proved. Looking to the months behind us, we will highlight the TOP 3 most wanted trips that marked the season.

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Top 1 trip, certainly Krupa na Vrbasu

Krupa na Vrbasu

Why Krupa?

It is about 25km far from Banja Luka. It is a true natural pearl visited by tourists from all over the world. Cascading waterfalls, roaring water, old mills walking along the River Krupa banks, georgeous forest area… all these are ideal locations for rest and escape from the city crowds.

Easy, medium and heavy walking trails are offered in Krupa na Vrbasu to connect famous tourist motifs in the environment.

In Krupa, you will be able to buy home-made flour that has just been ground in the Mills you will visit with our team. You will taste the most delicious traditiaonal dishes, and much more… We are sure you will like them.

If you have an adventurous spirit and need adrenalin, this trip will be the right choice for you as you will climb the Stone Bridge and have a beautiful view of the nature.

Krupa na Vrbasu

TOP 2 trip- the City Tour

Krupa na Vrbasu

Banja Luka is famous for its wide avenues with high green alleys telling you a quite different story then those you hear in other cities. We can say that we are known for our parks, avenues and greenness and definitely for beautiful girls.

If you decide to go on this trip, you will have the opportunity to ride the traditional Dayak boat that Banja Luka is famous for. While enjoying the ride along the River Vrbas, you will have a beautiful view of untouched nature of the river banks. We cannot reveal everything to you, since you have to feel and experience it, but you will remember these sentences and pay attention to natural resources of the City.

As we walk along the main Gospodska Street, you will be able to feel the spirit of the City and of carefree passers enjoying their walks and the music of local performers. In the very centre of the City, you will be fascinated by the Temple of Christ the Savior, we are sure of that.

You will notice a lot of young people enjoying the sun in beautiful garden cafes. Invite at least 2 persons dear to you and suggest them to visit Banja Luka with you. They will take many impressions and you will visit us again.

And remembers that here we have 1 man to 7 girls. See you!

TOP 3 trip is RAFTING

Rafting on the River Vrbas is the right choice for relaxation, adrenalin and refreshment in hot days. You may have heard that rafting competition is held on the River Vrbas. Fast, cold and unpredictable, the River Vrbas is an excellent choice for both adrenalin lovers and coolers.

Kayak World Cup was held in Banja Luka this season. If you are a lover of this sport or you wish to try it, we will make your wish come true.

For this trip, bring a team and a good mood and leave all the rest to us.

Krupa na Vrbasu